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BritishInternational Telecom

Our Services

Network Design

Pit and Pipe

Home Automation

Corporate Wiring

Our Products

  • Patch Cords :

    A patch cord (sometimes called a patch cable) is a length of cable with connectors on the ends that is used to connect an end device to something else, such as a power source. One of the most common uses is connecting a laptop, desktop or other end device to a wall outlet.

  • Optical Fibre :

    Fiber optics is a particularly popular technology for local-area networks. In addition, telephone companies are steadily replacing traditional telephone lines with fiber optic cables. In the future, almost all communications will employ fiber optics.

  • Joint Closure :

    Utilizing its broad experience in information network installation and operation, ATS has developed a range of cost-effective joint closures that provides the right quality in the right place.

  • Splicing Machine :

    Fusion splicing is the act of joining two optical fibers end-to-end using heat. The goal is to fuse the two fibers together in such a way that light passing through the fibers is not scattered or reflected back by the splice, and so that the splice and the region surrounding it are almost as strong as the virgin fiber itself.

  • OTDR (Optical time-domain reflectometer) :

    An Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) is an important instrument used by organizations to certify the performance of new fiber optics links and detect problems with existing fiber links.

  • HDD Drilling Machine :

    Horizontal directional drilling or HDD (known also as Guided Boring) techniques are used for the trenchless installation of new pipelines, ducts and cables.

  • Power Meters